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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hot off the Bar B

The second day of summer needed to be celebrated somehow and today I celebrated it the only way I knew how.....Grilling!  Burgers!

Every summer I have been home for 10 or so years I have been manning the grill.  Lunch and dinner rain or shine there is something about grilling outside that is so special.  Maybe I've watched too much TV growing up and subconsciously think that grilling is the All-American male past time.  Maybe it is my primal urge to build a fire, hunt and cook that is satiated each time I grill.  Who knows?
Here's the good ol' crusty grill.
Hand made turkey burger before.
Hand made turkey burgers after.
Eat your heart out fast food chains. 10 mins and delicious.

FYI, grilling is huge in Korea (at restaurants) so I'll be in heaven.  Keep a look out and I'll post all of the eye candy.

1 comment:

  1. That looks delicious! While Spain offers tapas and awesome salchichas like txistorras, nothing beats a homemade burger! For once in my life, I crave "American" food.
